2021 Revalidation

2021 revalidation will commence from 18th May 2021.
We are pleased to announce that new application and revalidation fees for boats up to 17.99m LH have been held at 2020 prices.
Important guidance about 2021 changes
This year there are significant changes regarding pole types, SPL (spinnaker pole length) and a brand new definition for Flying Headsails.
Additional guidance documents on the changes are published in the "info for 2021" section and these documents will also available in the downloads section.
• Full IRC 2021 Rule text
• Software changes that may affect TCC
• Pole types and SPL measurement guidance for boats renewing a certificate
• Flying Headsail rules summary and Questions & Answers
Revalidation Form.
This year, a revalidation form is required to be completed and returned for all boats
This form may be used to revalidate the certificate for a boat last rated between 2010-2020.
Where a certificate has lapsed for longer please use the new application form to ensure we have full, current data and information.
We have added more inputs to the revalidation form (and amendment/trial etc.) to better cover keel changes, water ballast etc. to save people having to put that information in the notes.
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