Updated SEA Rating Available On-line

The latest 2014 IRC Ratings for SEA based boats are online under the "Latest 2014 Ratings" Menu.
The latest 2014 IRC Ratings for SEA based boats are online under the "Latest 2014 Ratings" Menu.
The Rating Office regularly receives questions concerning compliance with IRC Rules. We also often hear anecdotally that boats are (generally inadvertently) infringing IRC Rules. Here are a few commonly recurring issues to help you keep legal.
The full IRC Rule text can appear long and complex to the untrained eye! While there is no substitute for being familiar with all the rules, while you are examining them this simplified version might be helpful.
At a recent regatta, we had an issue with a yacht claiming an allowance for a Single Furling Headsail. However, she changed the sail during racing. Here are some simple notes to explain, the descriptions on your certificate, and what they mean.
It's all very well saying 'get an IRC rating' but then you are faced with an application form full of acronyms and jargon! For those not familiar with IOR, IMS or later ORC rating certificates (and there we go again with the acronyms!) it can all look a bit daunting. Here's a quick guide to what they all mean.....