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    2019 IRC Year Book

    There is no printed IRC 2019 Yearbook – please see for more information.

    However, there will be special IRC owners editions of Seahorse Magazine (see below). 

    These exclusive editions, available online only for current IRC Members, replace the printed IRC Yearbook for 2019 and include specific IRC content similar to that previously included in the Yearbook . We hope you find them interesting and useful.
    Click the cover photo to access this and other issues with your IRC certificate number and Seahorse passcode, as shown below and at the bottom of your certificate. 
    IRC Certificate number: Cert no not applicable
    Seahorse passcode: Seahorse code not applicable




    IRC 2019 Online revalidation and forms now available for download.

    Online revalidation is now available here. 2019 On-Line Revalidation 

    All IRC 2019 Forms are now available for download in the  IRC Application Forms & Downloads section.

    A full list of rule changes is also available on the site, just check the left hand menu.

    Please note that this years re-validation will ask you for details on the number of spinnakers carried while racing.


    Historically in IRC the default number of spinnakers has been set at 3 with an option to declare additional spinnakers. While this has been generally considered to be a minimum number for boats competitively racing, it does not take into account that many club level boats only use 1 or 2 spinnakers and have felt disadvantaged. To encourage boats with a smaller spinnaker inventory the IRC Rule has changed to allow boats to declare that they will carry fewer than 3 spinnakers and will see a rating benefit on that basis.  If a boat was previously rated with 3 spinnakers and makes no declaration of carrying fewer, the rating will continue to be based on a default of 3.


    The rating effect for an average boat is approximately (allowing for decimal rounding) 

    Reduction from 3 to 2 spinnakers:  -0.001

    Reduction from 2 to 1 spinnaker: -0.002 



    2019 Changes in Brief


    Historically in IRC the default number of spinnakers has been set at 3 with an option to declare additional spinnakers. While this has been generally considered to be a minimum number for boats competitively racing, it does not take into account that many club level boats only use 1 or 2 spinnakers and have felt disadvantaged. To encourage boats with a smaller spinnaker inventory the IRC Rule has changed to allow boats to declare that they will carry fewer than 3 spinnakers and will see a rating benefit on that basis.  If a boat was previously rated with 3 spinnakers and makes no declaration of carrying fewer, the rating will continue to be based on a default of 3.

    The rating effect for an average boat is approximately (allowing for decimal rounding) 

    Reduction from 3 to 2 spinnakers:  -0.001

    Reduction from 2 to 1 spinnaker: -0.002


    At the IRC Congress 2018 meeting there was a request to remove the declaration of a forestay “adjustable but never adjusted while racing”, an option which until now had no impact on TCC. The request was due to an understanding and perception that owners were using adjusting forestay length while racing despite the declaration.   A rule change for 2019 removes this declaration option, and any boat that has declared an adjustable forestay as never adjusted while racing will see a small rating increase.   This does not apply to boats with the ability to move the mast foot while racing, which can still be declared as not adjusted while racing.


    The treatment of draft has been researched and reviewed by the IRC Technical Committee following an understanding  that deep draft boats have been favoured (or at least not discouraged) under IRC.  The review has resulted in a lower rating   for relative shallow draft and higher rating for relative deep draft.


    The rating of heavy cruisers and classic boats, with relatively low sail area and heavy boat weight, has been reviewed and some of these boats will now see more of a rating benefit.


    2018 Updates in Brief

    This is not an exhaustive list of every development for 2018, but covers the main changes and has been produced to help owners understand changes to IRC ratings.  All these are applied automatically in the software, which is applied across the whole IRC fleet.

    The Full list of Rule changes can be downloaded HERE


    Some ratings have either increased or reduced due to a change in the method used to rate spinnaker area, this is change that has been applied across the complete IRC Fleet and has been phased in over 4 years. 2018 sees the 4thand final phase of this change.  

    Much of this is due to the change in approach to setting the expected spinnaker area, base SPA, within IRC. This was originally based on parameters such as fore triangle area and LWP. However, this is historic and dates from the importance of these dimensions in the Metre rules, RORC rule, IOR etc when CHS was developed. We have recognised this and over the last few years have moved towards a more rational and appropriate method. 

    The aim is to try and ensure all can continue to compete with old and new boats of all types. Relying on methods not directly relevant for over 25 years stifles development and evolution of new designs and improvement in old boats alike. It is hoped that owners and sail designers can see a way of this allowing them to improve their boat and enjoyment of it without the old constraints of IOR and its influences, looking more to the simple question of what works best for them.


    Boats flying headsails from the bowsprit, and not carrying spinnakers, will see an increase in rating. This is to reflect a previously unrated advantage.


    The definition and classification of ‘Dayboats’ have been removed from IRC, so boats previously showing ‘Dayboat’ on the certificate will no longer do so. There is no effect on TCC. However, the presence or not of WS Offshore Special Regulations compliant lifelines is still relevant and noted on the certificate.


    Sportsboats around 28-30 feet have previously seen a reduction in TCC due to a change in rating formulation. This rating formulation  has now been extended down to smaller sportsboats.   


    New Rule 19.6 was introduced for 2017 to address the recent trend of moving material (usually lead) from the Bulb into the keel fin, owners must now declare this and it will be rated.  After further consideration of rating effects, the IRC Technical Committee agreed not to change the rating effect for 2018.


    The rating of boats fitted with foils that provide lift (DSS and other foil designs) has to date been a simple addition to Hull Factor.   With an increase in this style of appendage in IRC racing boats, further research by the IRC Technical Committee during 2017 has resulted in a new method of rating lifting foils, and new definitions have been added for foil measurements.  



    Crew Positions; Lifelines

    Notice 2018/01

    RRS 49.2 Crew Positions; Lifelines

    With effect from 23 March 2018, in IRC 2017 and 2018 Rules, insert new rule modifying RRS49.2:

    Add IRC rule 22.6:

    22.6 Crew Position
    22.6.1 RRS 49.2 is modified by deleting “sitting on the deck” in the second sentence.

    It is not unusual for crew sitting on the rail to be supported only at their upper legs when hiking facing outboard. The term “sitting on the deck” is difficult to define and to avoid unnecessary and difficult protests a simple and effective solution is to remove this requirement from RRS 49.2 while maintaining the original intention of:
    a. When there are two lifelines, competitor facing outboard with their waist inside the lower lifeline may have the upper part of his body outside the upper lifeline.
    b. Lifelines shall be taut (by the OSR definition)

    The RRS 86.1(c) permits Class Rules to change RRS 49.

    The IRC 2017 Rule is included for those countries still racing under IRC 2017 until 31st May 2018.

    IRC Technical Committee

    23 March 2018